Michigan Reach Out! World of Work

Job Shadowing Tips

Following are some ideas of what you might share with a youth who comes to work with you. We welcome additions to this list!

1. A Little History of Career or Field
How has the field evolved—past, present, and looking into the future?
2. Roles and Responsibilities
What do you do? Who do you work with? What do you like best about your job?
3. Personal Attributes
What kind of personal traits, interests, and styles match this job?
4. Career Ladder
What does the career ladder in your field look like from entry jobs to professional levels?
5. Education Requirements and Opportunities
What is the basic education and training required for entry to professional levels?
What education or training is needed or available to advance and grow in the field?
6. Technology
How does technology impact and serve as a tool in your job and in the field in general?
7. Related Jobs and Careers
What other jobs and careers could you go into?
What other industries or fields could you work in?
8. Learning More About This Career
What volunteer or work experience would help youth learn more?
What studies, classes, degrees, and training programs are suggested?
What hobbies, books, college visits, or company tours would be helpful?
9. Your Experience
What do you value and enjoy about your job or career?
How does job or career impact being a parent or family member?
Has the job or career helped you make a difference in your community?
10. Money Questions
Be ready to answer questions about how much money you make. Some may want information on how you financed college and further education.
11. Personal Questions
Sometimes children and teens ask other personal questions. Be ready to make a quick decision on what is okay to share and how to say something is not, in your mind, appropriate to share.

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Last updated 5 Mar 09