
Listing of Tours
in the Southeastern Michigan Area


Virtual Tours also available!

Ann Arbor or Willow Run Airport, Ann Arbor or Van Buren Township
Ann Arbor Fire Department
Ann Arbor Township Fire Department
Arts & Scraps, Detroit
Channel 50 - WKBD Television Station, Southfield
Chelsea Milling Company - Home of "Jiffy" Mixes
Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press, Detroit
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti
Gerald E. Eddy Discovery Center (Chelsea) - Tours
Huron Valley Ambulance, Ann Arbor
Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Education Center, Ann Arbor
Michigan Historical Museum, Lansing
Michigan Institute of Aviation & Technology, Belleville
Michigan State Capitol, Lansing
Project Grow, Ann Arbor
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Aerospace Engineering
University of Michigan - Center for Ultrafast Optical Science laser laboratories
University of Michigan - Chemical Engineering
University of Michigan - Chemistry Department
University of Michigan - Exhibit Museum of Natural History
University of Michigan - Hospital
University of Michigan - Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
University of Michigan - Museum of Anthropology
University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
University of Michigan - Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
University of Michigan - Nichols Arboretum
University of Michigan - WUOM Radio Station
Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor
Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, Ann Arbor
Yankee Air Museum at Willow Run Airport


Virtual Field Trips on the Web


Big Bend National Park - from Texas A & M University
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary virtual tour
Journey through Tikal - Virtually explore these ancient Mayan ruins
Live in the Estuary - from the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve
Los Angeles River
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Virtual Visitor Center - explore high-energy particle physics
Virtual Cave - collects images from around the world for an ideal virtual cave containing examples of every major type of speleothem. Let your mouse do the crawling!
Yerkes Observatory - from the University of Chicago


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Let us know what you think! Mail to webmaster Partially updated 25 July 08