Aurora Borealis
What creates these shimmering celestial lights?
Peggy travels to Alaska to learn about the science and beauty of the northern
Segment length: 9:35
Folklore is rich with explanations for the stunning night-sky lights, the aurora borealis. Various cultures have explained them as dancing spirits or blood raining from the clouds. Aurora was the Roman goddess of the dawn. Boreal is a Latin word, meaning "north." Thus, the northern lights. In the Antarctic, the lights are called the aurora australialis, or southern lights.
The source of the auroras is the sun. The sun gives off high-energy charged particles (also called ions) that travel out into space at speeds of 200 to 440 miles per second. A "cloud" or gas of such ions and electrons is called a plasma. The stream of plasma coming from the sun is known as the solar wind. As the solar wind interacts with the fringes of the earth's magnetic field, the particles are "shocked" into flowing around the earth. Some of the particles are trapped by the earth's magnetic field. They follow the magnetic lines of force down to the ionosphere. The particles strike the gases in the ionosphere, causing them to glow, the same way electrons passing through the gases in a neon tube make a neon sign light up. The colors correspond to the different gases in the ionosphere. Oxygen atoms give off red and green light, depending on how high they are in the ionosphere. Nitrogen molecules give off blue and violet light.
The northern lights are always moving, like giant curtains of light weaving and swaying across the sky. This is caused by the constantly changing interaction between the solar wind and the earth's magnetic field. It is not unusual for the solar wind to generate 100,000 megawatts of electricity in a three-hour auroral display. This can cause temporary interference with power lines, radio and television broadcasts, and satellite-to-earth communications. By studying the auroras, scientists can learn more about the solar wind and how it affects the earth's atmosphere.
1. What are some examples of how we have used the sun's power? How might
we use plasma power in the future?
2. Artificial auroras were created on a recent NASA shuttle mission. How
did they do this? What might this lead to later that could be used on earth?
Notes added November 2000: We are near the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle now, the solar max, and there are some spectacular sunspots and coronal mass ejections, leading to dramatic auroras (Northern or Southern Lights). Be sure to frequently check the Space Weather these days! |
Akasofu, S.I. (1982) The aurora: New light on an old subject. Sky and Telescope (Dec): 534.
Akasofu, S.I. (1989) The dynamic aurora. Scientific American (May): 90.
Maran, S.P., ed. (1992) The astronomy and astrophysics encyclopedia. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Additional sources of information:
Education Division
Mail Code F
Washington, DC 20546
Johnson Space Center
Media Services
Houston, TX 77058
(auroral photographs)
NOAA, E/GCI, Dept. 883
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303
(303) 497-3000
(print materials, slides, satellite images)
Main Activity
All Charged Up!
Find out how to turn on the light.
Use some common materials to discover if ions conduct electricity.
1. Ions conduct electricity. What was it that freed the ions? How do you know?
2. Which solutions or mixtures did not produce ions?
3. How is this similar to the process that creates the northern lights? To the process that creates fireworks?
Mythology and folklore are used to explain many natural geographical features
and/or events of nature. Create a time-travel story, play, or dance, which
reveals the "ancient" belief about a natural phenomenon, along
with the related scientific theory or principle. Some ideas for natural
events include lightning, solar and lunar eclipses, and rainbows.
Make a miniature earth and its magnetic field by covering a bar magnet
with some modeling clay, and then forming the clay into a sphere. Keeping
the magnet upright, place the clay-earth model on a table. Cut a strip
of cardboard to represent the equator, wrap it around the model, and tape
the ends. Sprinkle iron powder or filings on the model. At what point do
the lines build up? Is there a pattern? How do you think the filings would
continue toward the southern pole?
Invite your friends to a "northern lights" party. Give each person
a pack of wintergreen-flavored round candies. (Do not use the sugar-free
kind.) Go into a very dark room or outside at night. Ask each person to
bite down on two or three pieces of candy. (Keep your mouth open as much
as possible during this experiment.) Does the candy appear to sparkle and
glitter as you bite down on it? Stress in sugar crystals is creating an
electric field! These fields are taking outer electrons from molecules,
recombining them with electrons, and giving off light. What colors can
you see? Does having braces on your teeth make a difference in the result?
The solar wind is always blowing. Solar storms that make sun spots also
give the solar wind more energy. A stronger solar wind shifts the auroras
from the Arctic to positions at lower latitudes, such as where most people
in the United States live. Watch for possible auroras where you live. Do
a library search of old newspapers to see if the aurora has ever been visible
in your town. When? How often?
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Newton's Apple is a production of KTCA Twin Cities Public Television.
Made possible by a grant from 3M.
Educational materials developed with the National Science Teachers Association.