What's it like to travel through Central America with nothing but a bicycle, a laptop computer, a satellite dish, a few supplies, and a few hundred thousand friends? |
Maya Bike Trek
How can technology help you take a bike trip through Central America?
Peggy travels through Belize with a high-tech tour guide-the Internet.
Segment length: 8:30
What if you had the chance to go on a three-month trip to Central America to explore la ruta Maya? What if you planned to cover over 2,000 miles but had only your bike for trans-portation? What if you brought the maps you needed, but wouldn't know exactly where to go until students from over 40,000 schools sent you e-mail to vote on your route? What if you had to go on this trip with your brother?
Explorers (and brothers) Dan and Steve Buettner did all this and more on their MayaQuest expedition. But this wasn't their first bike trip. They rode 15,536 miles from Alaska to Argentina, covered 12,888 miles in the former Soviet Union, and biked 12,107 miles from Tunisia to South Africa. During the MayaQuest trek, each team member rode over 1,200 miles.
Dan, team leader, and Steve, team journalist and videographer, were joined by Julie Acuff, who served as the epigrapher, and photographer Doug Mason. To prepare for the trek, they consulted with Maya researchers, including archaeologists and ethnobotanists. They studied Maya history for clues to the collapse of this advanced civilization during the ninth century.
The team limited the supplies they brought-clothing, passports, money, bicycle repair supplies, maps, medical supplies, sleeping bags, tents, pots and pans, food, and toiletries. Water bottle purifiers allowed them to drink whatever water they could find.
A unique aspect of the trek was the technology that encouraged anyone
with access to the Internet to interact with the team. Using a laptop computer
powered by solar panels, team members recorded daily journal entries, calculated
distances, and communicated via
e-mail with students and others who followed the trek. With a portable
satellite telephone, the team sent faxes, photos, and data and voice transmissions.
Using two 8mm video cameras, they recorded sights and discoveries and transmitted
the images via satellite.
Team members entered information onto a computer, connected to a suitcase-sized satellite transmitter. The information was sent as a radio signal to a satellite orbiting 22,400 miles above the equator. The satellite relayed the signal to a station in Southbury, Connecticut, which transmitted it over 800 miles of phone lines to Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota. There the message was placed on the Maya-Quest home page on the Internet. In just three months, it received over 1.1 million visits.
1. What effect might the MayaQuest trek have on the lives of modern
2. Why do we study other civilizations?
archaeologist a scientist who studies the life
and culture of ancient people
e-mail electronic mail sent from one computer
to another by means of special software and a modem connected to a telephone
line, or between computers connected to a network
epigrapher someone who deciphers hieroglyphs
ethnobotanist scientist who studies how humans
use and relate to plants
la ruta Maya Spanish for "Maya route."
The term refers to the regions of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras
where the Maya lived.
videographer person who records events with a
video camera
Additional resources
Additional sources of information
Hit the Trail
Choose a location and prepare for a bike trek.
Want to design your own bicycle trek? A lot of careful planning is required to make sure everything's ready before you get started.
Students around the world will be helping direct the MayaQuest II bike
trek, scheduled to depart for Central America in 1996. Find out how you
can be a part of this adventure by contacting MayaQuest by e-mail: mayaquest@mecc.com
You can also find them on the World Wide Web: http://mayaquest.mecc.com
Or write to MayaQuest,
529 S. 7th St., Suite 320, Minneapolis, MN 55415.
Much of what we know about a culture, including our own, is found in folk
stories. Many folktales explain why something happened, or how something
got its name. Write your own folktale to explain something about your culture.
You could even be the main character!
In the math you do daily, you use a base 10 system. Computers use a binary
system (zero and one are the only numbers). The system developed by the
Maya was base 20. It used a dot for one, a bar for five, and a shell for
zero. How would you create your own math system using another base? What
symbols would you use to represent each group of numbers?
The MayaQuest team traveled over 1,200 miles on their bicycle trek through
the Maya region. Set up a stationary exercise bicycle (someone's parent
probably has one you can borrow) in your classroom. Attach an odometer
if it doesn't already have one. Take turns riding it daily, and keep a
journal of how "far" you travel, how long it takes, and how you
feel when you're done. What is the ratio between how far you ride each
day and how far the trekkers went daily? How long would it take you to
match the miles ridden by the MayaQuest team?
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Newton's Apple is a production of KTCA Twin Cities Public Television.
Made possible by a grant from 3M.
Educational materials developed with the National Science Teachers Association.