
Early Elementary Activities


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Last updated 5 Jan 12
  1. Acid Rain: The Disappearing Statue
  2. Airfoil Experiment 2
  3. Airfoil Experiment 3
  4. Are All Liquids the Same?
  5. A Bagful of Surprises
  6. Black Magic
  7. Bouncing Eggs
  8. Brain Injury Eggs-periment
  9. Brown Bag Science
  10. Bubble Fun
  11. Calls of the Wild
  12. CANdemonium
  13. Can I Make a Maraca?
  14. Can I Make a Rain Cloud?
  15. Can I Make Raisins?
  16. Carrot Root Fun
  17. Circulation of Water in Celery
  18. Color Mixing
  19. Color My World - Frosting Graham Crackers
  20. Colorful Bouquet
  21. Copper Caper
  22. Crystal Creations
  23. Diggin' Dirt
  24. Ear Guitar
  25. Edible Plants
  26. Edible Rocks
  27. Egg Carton Glider
  28. Egg Magic
  29. Eggs Don't Break?
  30. Erosion
  31. Evaporation
  32. Flipsticks
  33. Following the Mealworm's Metamorphosis
  34. Fun With Air
  35. Glitter Globe - learning about density
  36. Good Vibrations
  37. Grasshopper Study
  38. Grass Seed Fun
  39. Growing Alfalfa Sprouts
  40. Hearing Fun
  41. How Do Animals Protect Themselves?
  42. How Do I Make a Fossil Print?
  43. How to Make Bottle Pipes
  44. How We See
  45. It Floats
  46. Junk Mail Airmail
  47. Listen Up!
  48. Magnet Fun
  49. Make Your Own Bubbles
  50. Make Your Own Paper
  51. Make Your Own Rain Gauge
  52. Making an Ant House
  53. Making a Bird Mural
  54. Making a Dry Flower Bouquet
  55. Making a Flying Saucer
  56. Making No-Bake Peanut Butter Cookies
  57. Making a Pinhole Camera
  58. Making a Pondscope
  59. Making a Spectroscope
  60. Making a Spider Web
  61. Making a Wind Sock
  62. Making Your Own Paper
  63. Marshmallow Building and Bridges
  64. Mold: Growing Your Own
  65. Mold Terrarium
  66. Movement
  67. The Nose Knows
  68. One Color or Two?
  69. The Opposable Thumb
  70. Outrageous Ooze
  71. Plants & Seeds
  72. Recycling Paper
  73. Remote Control Roller
  74. Rubber Eggs
  75. Salt Volcano
  76. Secret Bells
  77. Seeing Air
  78. Sensational Slime
  79. Silly Straw Glider
  80. Slippery Substances - Lubricants
  81. Soap-Powered Paper Boats
  82. Solar Hot Dog Cooker
  83. Spider Fun
  84. Spin, Eggs, Spin!
  85. Spinning Blimps
  86. Sponges and Seeds
  87. Spud Stuff
  88. St. Patrick's Day Snack
  89. String It Along
  90. Super Sparker
  91. The Touch 'n' Feel Box
  92. Tree Bark Casts
  93. Water Color Racing
  94. Water Drop Magnifier
  95. Water Magic
  96. What Are Seeds?
  97. What Causes Tooth Decay
  98. What Do Plants Need to Live?
  99. What Is Air?
  100. What Is Mud?
  101. What Is Water?
  102. What Makes a Bird a Bird?
  103. What Plants Do I Like to Eat?
  104. What's Evaporation?
  105. What Shape Is Water?
  106. What's It Like to Molt Like a Snake?
  107. Wild Seed Fun
  108. Will All Liquids Mix Up?
  109. Worm Bin Project


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