
Middle School Activities


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Last updated 5 Jan 12
  1. Acid Rain: An Air Pollutant
  2. Acid Rain: "It's Eating Away at You"
  3. Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD): A Case Study Using the Film “Lorenzo’s Oil”
  4. Airfoil Experiment 2
  5. Airfoil Experiment 3
  6. Air Pollution Control
  7. Air Pressure
  8. Air ... What Gives?
  9. Alka Rockets
  10. Alternative Energy Sources
  11. Anatomy and Physiology "Quickies"
  12. Antacid Tablet Race
  13. Are You Being Poisoned by Your Dishes?
  14. Balloon Blow-Up
  15. Biomes in a Box
  16. Bottle Habitat
  17. Bouncing Eggs
  18. Bubble Bomb
  19. Bubble-ology & Bernoulli
  20. Bubbularium
  21. Buggy Diner
  22. Cake Batter Lava
  23. Calls of the Wild
  24. Chemical Changes
  25. Cookie Topography
  26. Counting the Stars
  27. Cricket Dissection
  28. Demonstrating an Epidemic
  29. Demonstration of Cheese-Making Enzyme Magic
  30. Density
  31. Density: An AskERIC Lesson
  32. Describing Soils
  33. Determining Acids and Bases
  34. Diffusion of Molecules
  35. Direct & Diffuse Light
  36. DNA Extraction Lab
  37. Down the Drain
  38. Downhill Discoveries
  39. Earth: The Apple of Our Eye
  40. Edible Rocks
  41. The Effect of Citrus Oils on Fruit Flies
  42. Egg Carton Glider
  43. Egg Protector
  44. Enzymatic Reaction
  45. Enzymes
  46. Enzyme Grabbers
  47. Enzyme Labs Using Jello
  48. An Enzyme Substrate Model
  49. Establishing Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
  50. Exothermic Reactions Used in Hot Packs
  51. Extraction of DNA from Onion
  52. Finger Boomerangs
  53. Fishy Frequencies
  54. Flipsticks
  55. Flying Tube
  56. Folds and Faults
  57. Gelatin Volcanoes
  58. Germinating Seeds with Liquid Crystals
  59. Green Space in the City
  60. Groundwater Quality
  61. Hand Washing
  62. The Heart and the Circulatory System
  63. How Does Chance Influence Inheritance?
  64. How Much Do You Weigh?
  65. How to Tell When Mealworms Are Out of Breath
  66. How We See
  67. Identification of an Unknown Substance
  68. Impact Craters
  69. Introduction to DNA Extractions
  70. Junk Mail Airmail
  71. Lava Layering
  72. Laws of Reflection
  73. Leaf Stomata as Bio-indicators of Environmental Change
  74. Lemon Battery
  75. Liquid Bottle Rocket
  76. Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream
  77. Listen Up!
  78. Lotic Environment Lesson Plans
  79. Magnificent Microscopes
  80. Making a Straw Woodwind
  81. Making Three-Dimensional Plant & Animal Cell Models
  82. Manufacture a CD Crate
  83. Mapping Animal Behavior
  84. Marshmallow Building and Bridges
  85. Match Stick Rocket
  86. Measuring Calories
  87. Metamorphic Rock Pancakes
  88. M & M Lab
  89. A Model of a Bacterial Plasmid
  90. Mousetrap Vehicle
  91. Movement
  92. Needle Through a Balloon
  93. Neutralizing Ability of Antacid Tablets
  94. Non-Compressibility of Water
  95. The Nose Knows
  96. Observation: Where Is My Peanut?
  97. One + One = One
  98. Onion DNA Extraction
  99. The Opposable Thumb
  100. Optical Images
  101. Orbital Forces
  102. Piles of Fire
  103. Plant Biotechnology: Controlling Tissue Differentiation
  104. Plants and Gravity
  105. Plant Transpiration
  106. Pliable Proteins
  107. Pollen Collection and Identification
  108. Polystyrene Containers
  109. Population Dynamics of Growth of Drosophila
  110. Porosity
  111. Potential & Kinetic Energy
  112. Pringles Pinhole Camera
  113. Problem Solving in Genetic Disorders
  114. Recycling Paper
  115. Reflecting Rainbows
  116. Regolith Formation
  117. Restriction Enzymes
  118. Rocket Science: Balloon Race
  119. Rocket Science: Rocket Poppers
  120. Roller Coasters in the Classroom
  121. Roto-Copter
  122. Salt Volcano
  123. Sampling Carbon Dioxide
  124. SA/V Ratio & Rate of Diffusion
  125. Simple Machines
  126. Slinky Science
  127. Soda Pop Can Hero Engine
  128. Solar Hot Box
  129. Solar Hot Dog Cooker
  130. Spudnicks - A Rice Krispies & Marshmallow Snack!
  131. Stream Table
  132. Super Sparker
  133. The Synthesis and Properties of Soaps
  134. Tasty Solution
  135. Teaching Multiple Alleles
  136. Testing for an Acid
  137. Transpiration
  138. Understanding Waves
  139. Up Periscope
  140. Using A Winogradsky Column to Analyze Microbial Communities
  141. Waste Management
  142. Water Bottle Rocket Launcher
  143. Weathering Experiments: Sugar Cubes, Steel Wool & Gravel
  144. What Is a Medicine?
  145. Whose Skeleton Is in Your Closet?
  146. Wind Erosion
  147. Windows on Life
  148. Yeast - A Dihybrid Cross
  149. Your Own Electroboard


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