Try to get some of the following veggies and fruit:
1. First, think about the parts of a plant: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit
they bare, seeds.
2. Then, look at your vegeatables and fruits. When do we eat
roots, stems, seeds, leaves, fruits and flowers?
3. Now, which of these plant parts do we like to eat raw? Which ones do we
like to steam? Which ones do we like to bake?
4. Try out the plants that we eat raw to see which ones you personally like.
5. Take the plants that we like to eat steamed and try steaming them with the
help of an adult. Try them and see which ones you like.
6. Look at the plants we like to bake. With the help of an adult, bake these
plant parts and try them. Which ones do you like?
7. Some plants we like to make into a juice and drink. Try squeezing oranges
or grapefruits and letting the juice fall into a cup. You have some fresh
orange and grapefruit juice? Is it too tart? Add a little sugar!
8. Which ones did you like with nothing on them? Which ones did you like
with a little butter, salt and pepper?