
Preschool Activities


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Last updated 5 Jan 12
  1. A Bagful of Surprises
  2. Blubber Glove
  3. Bubble Fun
  4. Bubble-ology
  5. CANdemonium
  6. Carrot Root Fun
  7. Circulation of Water in Celery
  8. Colorful Bouquet
  9. Color My World - Frosting Graham Crackers
  10. Crystal Creations
  11. Diggin' Dirt
  12. Ear Guitar
  13. Edible Plants
  14. Edible Rocks
  15. Eggs Don't Break?
  16. Egg Magic
  17. Evaporation
  18. Fun With Air
  19. Glitter Globe
  20. Grass Seed Fun
  21. Growing Alfalfa Sprouts
  22. How Do Animals Protect Themselves?
  23. How Do I Make a Fossil Print?
  24. How to Make Bottle Pipes
  25. It Floats
  26. Magnet Fun
  27. Make a Wind Sock
  28. Make Your Own Bubbles
  29. Make Your Own Paper
  30. Make Your Own Rain Gauge
  31. Making a Bird Mural
  32. Making a Dry Flower Bouquet
  33. Making a Flying Saucer
  34. Making No-Bake Peanut Butter Cookies
  35. Making a Pondscope
  36. Making a Spider Web
  37. Marshmallow Building and Bridges
  38. Mold Terrarium
  39. Outrageous Ooze
  40. Plants and Seeds
  41. Rubber Eggs
  42. Secret Bells
  43. Seeing Air
  44. Silly Straw Glider
  45. Soap-Powered Paper Boats
  46. Spin, Eggs, Spin!
  47. Sponges and Seeds
  48. Water Color Racing
  49. Water Drop Magnifier
  50. Water Magic
  51. What Is Mud?
  52. What's Evaporation?
  53. What Shape Is Water?
  54. Wild Seed Fun
  55. Will All Liquids Mix Up?
  56. Wind Sounds


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