Reach Out! 12/98 Progress Report: I. Anecdotal Report F

Roselle's photo is coming!
Roselle Herrera

Computer Science undergraduate

Roselle started in fall 1997 doing mostly Web work; this past year, she joined Debbie at Peace Neighborhood Center. Roselle deserves the credit for much of the Web formatting and posting that was done last year. The more Reach Out! provided science clubs, the more we saw a need for easy-to-do science experiments and activities. Many worked hard to reach back into their own childhoods and to read books or explore the Web to find experiments that we could use at clubs. We now have plenty of quicker activities to supplement the lessons, which take more time to do effectively. Beyond the lessons and activities that she helped with so much, Roselle also created or updated pages for many partners with summer camps and workshops. Her great concern now is seeing that the children and sites we serve have access to the Web.

Coaching is an integral part of Reach Out! Roselle is an example of a "new person" on the team who, after taking time to learn of the many things Reach Out! is involved in, identified her passion and then went job shadowing with the person who had experience in the area she wanted to take on. All of our coordinators know that it is their job to find someone to take over for them before they graduate or move on in their lives. Time will tell if Roselle takes over an existing site or program, or starts something new!

John Nees, Fritz Weihe, & Andy Rundquist

CUOS research scientist, CUOS graduate student, and former CUOS visiting research investigator

John, Fritz, and Andy (until he departed from Michigan last spring) shared coordination of the biweekly CCoG secondary science club, which the first two continued to run this fall. While Reach Out! provides materials for their activities, they recruit volunteers among their friends and coworkers. From fall 1997 through fall 1998, an average of 6 volunteers worked with an average of 10 teens at 17 sessions. John is a good example of the multiple roles played by many of our volunteers, as he has developed optics lessons for us and offers career presentations and laboratory tours.

Reulonda's photo is coming!
Reulonda Norman

English-PreMed undergraduate

Reulonda began as a work-study in January 1998 with Web work; it did not take her long to discover that coding is not something she enjoys. Luckily, she chose to take over another less than glamorous job: keeping inventory and replenishing hands-on science kits and materials in the K–12 lab at the IST building. As more science clubs form, the need for materials increases. Reach Out! supports volunteers by picking out lessons or activities and getting materials. This has been an essential service, as UM students or faculty often don't have the time to shop for materials and many do not have transportation to get to stores like K-Mart and Meijer's. PNCFD funds were used to buy plastic tubs to store lesson kits, to purchase some reusable materials and equipment, and to pay for the consumable materials that children required. Over time, we envision the lab becoming a central storehouse and check-out place for many UM people who take demonstrations out to kids at schools, churches, or community centers.

Reulonda discovered, upon taking hands-on science on the road to Chapelle Elementary School, that she loves working with children. Now she is considering a switch in majors to education, which would certainly benefit future elementary students!

I. Anecdotal Report
  A. Grace Kim
  B. Alicia Pinderhughes
  C. Debbie McCartney
  D. Marie Tripp, Jim Birnby & Amy Raudenbush, Aarti Raheja
  E. Yamina Acebo, Karyl Shand
  F. Roselle Herrera, John Nees, Fritz Weihe, Andy Rundquist, Reulonda Norman
  G. Cherita Hunter, Faye Booker-Logan
  H. Veronica Cottingham, Doris Calvert
  I. Erika Arias, Rachel Keefer, Srinivas Sridhara
II. Traditional Report
  A. Expand established programs
    1. Tutoring
    2. Wizards for Hands-On Science Activities
    3. Career Exploration
  B. Support for Michigan Mandate and Agenda for Women Goals
  C. Lessons Learned
  D. Next Steps
Appendix A: Volunteer Mentors from Fall 1997 through Fall 1998
Appendix B: Science Club Volunteers from Fall 1997 through Fall 1998
Appendix C: Outreach Sites from Fall 1997 through Fall 1998

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