Reulonda Norman
English-PreMed undergraduate
Reulonda began as a work-study in January 1998 with Web work; it
did not take her long to discover that coding is not something she
enjoys. Luckily, she chose to take over another less than glamorous
job: keeping inventory and replenishing hands-on science kits and
materials in the K12 lab at the IST building. As more science
clubs form, the need for materials increases. Reach Out!
supports volunteers by picking out lessons or activities and getting
materials. This has been an essential service, as UM students or
faculty often don't have the time to shop for materials and many do
not have transportation to get to stores like K-Mart and Meijer's.
PNCFD funds were used to buy plastic tubs to store lesson kits, to
purchase some reusable materials and equipment, and to pay for the
consumable materials that children required. Over time, we envision
the lab becoming a central storehouse and check-out place for many UM
people who take demonstrations out to kids at schools, churches, or
community centers.
Reulonda discovered, upon taking hands-on science on the road to
Chapelle Elementary School, that she loves working with children. Now
she is considering a switch in majors to education, which would
certainly benefit future elementary students!